1. After the FBA warehouse receives the removal items and Return Helper updates FNSKU, you will receive a notification mail with FNSKU and the removal quantity.
2. Enter Return Helper, Click "FBA Shipment Record" on the left to view the actual number of FNSKU received for this shipment.
3. After receiving the items, the system will consolidate the quantities of all FNSKUs for you in FBA Inventory to facilitate your subsequent processing. You can also add “Remarks” (content can be updated, batch search is not available) & “Reference Number” (content cannot be updated, batch search is available) to the specified FNSKU.
4. Available in FBA Create Instruction, and use the shopping cart to place an order. Only can process packages belonging in the same warehouse. Packages in the same batch of operations will be in the same Instruction number, which means that these cargo operations are bound together. (Different FNSKUs of Restock will have different Instruction numbers)
5. After processing the withdrawal instructions for the warehouse, the available inventory in FBA Inventory will be reduced. You can continue to provide instructions until the actual inventory is zero.
6. When the actual inventory is zero, it means that this FNSKU is out of stock
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